NPU T - What do you think should be done to Solve these Health Issues/Concerns . . . . . Solve
61 Total Responses to What do you think should be done to Solve these Health Issues/Concerns | |
medical doctors should take time with patiants ro explain side effects of meds befoe they prescribe it | NPU 7 |
give help on the medical so they pay for it | NPU 7 |
more programs | NPU 7 |
information given to families, workshops | NPU 7 |
listen and help out | NPU 7 |
class programs with info | NPU 7 |
more police to stop the drug dealers | NPU 7 |
more communitty health | NPU 7 |
free the health professional to do more informative workshops and education sessions with in the community | NPU 7 |
maybe some awarness programs in my community center and try experiments to get people involved | NPU 7 |
community activities to advocate for healthcare and wellness there shoulf be more information/ education for healthy living | NPU 7 |
diet, change life style don't smoke don't drink | NPU 7 |
community involvemet, more funds organized | NPU 7 |
more free classes, free clinic, more mobile help clinics. Places people can be checked that's not far from home | NPU 7 |
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