NPU T - What do you think should be done to Solve these Health Issues/Concerns . . . . . Solve

61 Total Responses to What do you think should be done to Solve these Health Issues/Concerns
health classes NPU 7
always offer incentives. Many people don't care if they cant get comething for it. Unfortunatly care and concern for the earth isnt important to everyone NPU 7
educating the community + providing cheap alternatives of therapy NPU 7
make health care affordable NPU 7
better choices environmental changes NPU 7
money will people to change NPU 7
community health fairs would help NPU 7
more education NPU 7
awareness sreening counseltation NPU 7
keep spreading information NPU 7
early intervention about fast food rest education and safe environment NPU 7
education and community outreach NPU 7
takes contol of what we eat NPU 7
information NPU 7
education and access to affordable services NPU 7

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