Q38. Please more about the children in your Household . . . ?

Children in your Household No. of Participants Missing Total
Reside with children under 6 years old. 30 430 460
Reside with children 6 to 17 years old. 77 383 460
No children under 18 years old 210 250 460
I prefer not to disclose this Information 34 426 460

Q39. Please indicate your Household Size . . . ?

Household Size No. of Participants Percentage Total Counts
1-person household 96 28.24 96
2-person household 92 27.06 188
3-person household 52 15.29 240
4-person household 30 8.82 270
5-person household 38 11.18 308
6-person household 17 5.00 325
7 or more person household 8 2.35 333
I prefer not to disclose this Information 7 2.06 340
Missing 120 26.08 460

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