Q21. Do you primarily seek Health care in an Emergency Room ?

Yes No Missing Total
055 280 125 460

Q22. Where do you usually get Health Care ?

Get Health Care No. of Participants No. of Missing Total
Grady Memorial Hospital 075 385 460
Good Samaritan 002 458 460
Lakewood Health Center (Lakewood Avenue) 003 457 460
South Fulton Medical Center (Caver High School Campus) 003 457 460
South Fulton Medical Center (Cleveland Avenue) 009 451 460
Southside Medical Center (Ridge Avenue 016 444 460
Atlanta Medical Piedmont 022 438 460
Private Physician 113 357 460
Urgent Care 020 440 460
Veterans Administration Hospital 012 448 460
Nowwhere, home Remedies Only 031 439 460
Other 089 371 460

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