NPU T - What do you think should be done to Solve these Health Issues/Concerns . . . . . . . . Solve

61 Total Responses to What do you think should be done to Solve these Health Issues/Concerns
1. Early education, interventionist prenatal support, affordable access to medicine AND a cultural shift among providers that guides them towards the most effective way of communicating and interactive with women, along with rsearch focused on women's issues. / 2. Education at the caretaker/parent level, healthy foods within the school system a nd the rejection of school access to junk food companies in any way shape or form. / 3. Physical education stressed as a lifestyle in school, access to proper preventative health care, and walk-able city space. NPU 7
Kroger is good but we need access to affordable restaurants with a wide variety of foods. Fried food and fast food are not the best choices. NPU 7
workshops at school. YMCA/Boys and girls club NPU 7
access to and disability of resources NPU 7
parents need NPU 7
community meeting NPU 7
start eating right and exercise NPU 7
continue to have seminars and health fairs- demonstrations of healthy cooking for children adults selected menus NPU 7
education NPU 7
comprehensive changes/programs in law, political action, promotion and application of stem throughout life. NPU 7
teaching, follow ups and being apart of your health NPU 7
need PT, better food at oasis NPU 7
better health care education NPU 7

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