NPU T - What do you think are the Causes of Health Issues/Concerns . . . . . . . . CAUSES

65 Total Responses to What do you think are the Causes of Health Issues/Concerns
people not taking care of them self NPU 7
lack of education, resources NPU 7
drug use NPU 7
nutirition NPU 7
within the community more face to face contacts. Poor outreach NPU 7
eating to many salty foods, unprotected sex, and drugs or things you can do to a person NPU 7
lack of proper nutrition and excerse. Lack of access to nutritional resources due to discrimination and poverty NPU 7
probablt the way they live NPU 7
bad nutrition, sugars, expencive fast food sourcesan updated food pyrimid NPU 7
not properly educated, not properly funded NPU 7
poor education, lack of resources NPU 7
misinformation, parents responsibility but not informed NPU 7
free will people do what they please NPU 7
lack of education, people domt value their body NPU 7
mo jobs, chrime, loitering NPU 7
lack of knowledge NPU 7
social ecenomic level, thy way there're being treated, concerns not being heard NPU 7
not taking care of yourself NPU 7

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