NPU T - What do you think are the Causes of Health Issues/Concerns . . . . . . . . CAUSES

65 Total Responses to What do you think are the Causes of Health Issues/Concerns
Poor food choices and access to good food that is affordable. NPU 7
food intake NPU 7
lack of Knowledge NPU 7
lot of sexual partners and no protection NPU 7
smoking, sex NPU 7
not eating right -HBP NPU 7
obesity and diet , resources to proper diet, good selections NPU 7
uneducated NPU 7
confluence of genetics, lack of leaving finacial legacy, enviromental changes and cororate welfare NPU 7
poor education NPU 7
have diabetes, had stroke jan 2016, recuring from stroke NPU 7
lack of education concerning nutrition NPU 7
motivation, teaching education NPU 7
not cancer NPU 7
medicare electronics and recycable items thorwn away. Iots a huge concern becoming littering is huge in my neightborhood. They need to hear how important it is not to litter. NPU 7
I think they're all interrelated + education would help NPU 7
people cant afford to go to doctor due to not being able to afford health insurance NPU 7

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