NPU T - What do you think are the Causes of Health Issues/Concerns . . . . . . . . CAUSES

65 Total Responses to What do you think are the Causes of Health Issues/Concerns/th>
poor diet habits, too many fast food in our community NPU 7
history, poverty, miseducation. Fast food is that all by design? NPU 7
lack of education and exposure NPU 7
need more education NPU 7
stress genetics pre-disportion NPU 7
lackof knowledge NPU 7
lack of knowledge about the essentials of basic health issues NPU 7
socioeconomic environmental factors NPU 7
weight bad food NPU 7
I think eduication of meal planning and knowing how important eating the food that is good for you. Studying everyday NPU 7
information concern; diet! NPU 7
poor eating habbets, lack of exercise NPU 7
cancer, heart disease, and high blood pressure NPU 7
life styles NPU 7
n/a NPU 7
lack of knowledge, lack of support NPU 7
upbrining, npt being informed, limited access NPU 7

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