NPU Z - Why the Health Issues you chose are Important
45 Total Responses to Why the Health Issues are Important | |
Asthma- children with asthma. Violence- lots of violence in out community, womens health | NPU 4 |
people are afraid | NPU 4 |
people have cancer | NPU 4 |
diabetes so many people have it. Hi cholesteral some respond to each | NPU 4 |
I have diabetes and high blood pressure | NPU 4 |
this run in my family | NPU 4 |
diabetes apply to myself, blood pressure also myself, mental health family and people I know | NPU 4 |
there needs to be more education on high blood pressure there should be more resourses for mental health | NPU 4 |
1) too many residents have or have abuse problems. 2) there have been violent crimes in the area. 3) there are three dumps in our vicinity | NPU 4 |
the violence I our community is getting worse as people don't seem tohave initiative to take care of there homes, health community | NPU 4 |
obesity is a big problem. Better choices of food. Mental health look at all the crime in our neighborhood. Physical disability more side walks for wheel chairs | NPU 4 |
life is to short for violence and the young boys need to know to make better choices. Your health is very important people don't know that they have stuff because no signs. I was a single teen mom | NPU 4 |
it is improtant because obesity and exercise. There air quality and pollution is the silent killer. Many people eat the wrong foods | NPU 4 |
alcoholism | NPU 4 |
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