NPU Z - What do you think should be done to Solve these Health Issues/Concerns

44 Total Responses to What do you think should be done to Solve these Health Issues/Concerns
attract full grocery stores for underserved areas NPU 4
Educating the public NPU 4
Education and better resources in the neighborhood. More outreach. NPU 4
Educate!!! and help our people!!! NPU 4
Have more preventative methods. NPU 4
Better, more affordable in-home care services for both seniors and there caregivers. NPU 4
More information in dealing with them. NPU 4
Folk got to committee to change or WANT to change. / NPU 4
medicine patch to help people staop smoking NPU 4
abstinence, birthcontrol, more security NPU 4
more health programs, surveys, and ashma awarness. More coming to community NPU 4
educate the kids NPU 4
better police protection NPU 3
education NPU 4
education and information NPU 4

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