NPU X - Why the Health Issues you chose are Important

64 Total Responses to Why the Health Issues are Important
drug addiction, my brother is in active addiction, substance abuse is a serious problem NPU 2
teen pregnacy is such a huge item with a simple educational solution NPU 2
all problems can be sovled if people come together but white suprimacy prevents people from coming together, there no problems can be solved until white suprimicy is eliminated NPU 2
all three of these topics plague developing communities NPU 2
Men health is important because we need to build the youth up and be strong. Violence we have to stop the killing, stealing and such things leave to something wrong NPU 2
cancer- we need to learn about early detection. High blood pressure- we need to know what contributes to their risk and how to control it. Sexually transmitted diseases- we need more education. NPU 2
they are the ones that I hear people talk about that most as illness they are experincing NPU 2
they prolong health, well-being NPU 2
excersise drug abuse NPU 2
I am very enviromentally conscious our society needs to be more aware of the health risks associated with food over eat. Mental health is too often over looked and stigmatized. NPU 2
addressing obesity will help address other obesity related issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure. HIV/Aids disapportinatly affects african americal women and teens substance abuse is a problem in the community. NPU 2
Enviromental health ig big it takes a community to take care of our homes and future for our community. HIV/AIDS is always a concern and needs to be cured. Violence prevention is something that needs to be talked about because its happening a lot more frequently. NPU 2

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