NPU X - What do you think are the CAUSES of the Health Issues/Causes . . . . CAUSES

65 Total Responses to What do you think are the CAUSES of the Health Issues/Causes
lack of knowledge and exucation once we are aware of the causes NPU 2
poor dietary habits NPU 2
inner-city (complacent) NPU 2
same reason NPU 2
apathy and life long conditional. Educate people on the importance of a clean community, importance of good health NPU 2
various NPU 2
Poor education NPU 2
nutrition lack of knowledge lack of concern stress mental health issue NPU 2
subtance food/ processed food NPU 2
lack of access to healthy food, lack of resources to obtain healthy food, ignorance of potintal health problems NPU 2
not eating the right foods NPU 2
Lack of Knowledge, accountability and community awareness. NPU 2
not watching yur food and diet HBU weight and salt 2nd hand smoke cigarette NPU 2
cost of purchase NPU 2
education NPU 2
don't really know what in air an new people in community NPU 2
early diagnosis, prevention NPU 2
not knowing about it do not let the health they need in community NPU 2
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