Other - Why the Health Issues you chose are Important

45 Total Responses to Why the Health Issues are Important
lack of knowledge- we need to unlearn to relearn, old ways are killing us NPU 6
lack of education or community outreach NPU 6
lower income acountability food deserts cultural differences NPU 6
access to care access to resources NPU 6
eat better NPU 6
don't know NPU 6
not knowlegable of cause/ cure NPU 6
self pride- substance abuse and std's, diabetes- inherited diet, high blood pressure- need more education on diet NPU 6
stroke diabetes. Uncontroled stress obesity and high blood pressure NPU 6
diet and physical activity NPU 6
lack of information and awareness of these issues and cancer screening NPU 6
stroke diabetes. Uncontroled stress obesity and high blood pressure NPU 6
diabetes- nutrition not eating right. High blood pressure- also not eating right. NPU 6
diet and physical activity NPU 6
lack of information and awareness of these issues and cancer screening NPU 6
more education and access to services NPU 6
Lack of care for community NPU 6
There are many factors NPU 6
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