NPU T - Why the Health Issues you chose are Important
70 Total Responses to Why the Health Issues are Important | |
I don't smoke I know there are some serious issues cause by smoking | NPU 7 |
college students need to practice safe sex, stress and mental issues go unaddressed on campus | NPU 7 |
previntion is intervention | NPU 7 |
healthy diets lead to healthy lifestyles. Nutrition is very improtant in preventative health. Enviromental health is improtant with all the chemicals goimng on in the community. Violence prevention is ruining developing communities | NPU 7 |
HIV/AIDs are the main cause of death, we eat to much, need more protect | NPU 7 |
quality of life | NPU 7 |
there is a crack issue in my area and woman and men are selling their bodies | NPU 7 |
diabetes is somewhat hard for black men to detect | NPU 7 |
lack of education concerning diabetes, also the myth that goes with it | NPU 7 |
at my community center we get a lot of programs that have something to do with health, but most donmt really know about those topics of health | NPU 7 |
at my community center we get a lot of programs that have something to do with health, but most donmt really know about those topics of health | NPU 7 |
because everyone I know, who has a health issue has at least one of these | NPU 7 |
thoses are top3 health concerns in the u.s. amd mostly in out area of residence | NPU 7 |
drugs are all overused and have a toll on life . My community is deprived of healthy options, they need more nutrition many young girls continually become pregnat | NPU 7 |
because older people are unaware. They don't go to the docto so they are being tought if they have hopitalize for some reason | NPU 7 |
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