NPU T - Why the Health Issues you chose are Important

70 Total Responses to Why the Health Issues are Important
a lot of people dont know, need to know about cancer and nutrition. Really dont know they have it NPU 7
a lot of people dying and getting sick NPU 7
most important NPU 7
high blood pressure- I have HBP, cancer- my father died from colon cancer NPU 7
cancer because its wide spreads everywhere. A lot of it has to do with overweight. Obesity- is one of the factors that lead to other health issues so being able to address obesity will also address health issues. Diabetes- diet again obesity leads the way. portion sizes NPU 7
my wife died of cancer NPU 7
includes all my choices. Youth is a time for development so we must develop correctly, early NPU 7
mens health: making sure to regularly get testing incuding HIV/STD. ebiromentay health: climate change impacts social determinates of health. Obesity: physical activitymust become a lifestyle. NPU 7
because of my age NPU 7
have too high blood pressure. Left foor chop from stroke. Blood pressurestay high most of the time. NPU 7
major killers in african american community NPU 7
most people share these issues NPU 7
because of my health NPU 7
mental health- stigma around mental illness, woman's health- woman's health is neglected, nutrition- healthy heating can prevent a disease. NPU 7
a lot of people are dying NPU 7
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