PRC Community Assessment Results
The Morehouse School of Medicine Prevention Research Center conducted a Community Health needs and Assets Assessment. As a neighborhood resident of Neighborhood Planning, your opinion about the health concerns and resources in your community is important to us. This web page displays the results of the survey for Public viewing.
Q9. For each of your top three choices, please tell us why the health Issues are important ?
291 Total Responses of Important Issues . . . . . . . . . . P3 of P20 | |
Health insurance is needed for better health, stress, healthier foods makes you feel better, communication barrier such as no access to internet so residence of resources or communication where to attend workshops, | NPU 1 |
Environmental issues and violence affect many aspects of our lives. Women’s health is neglected. | NPU 2 |
To keep top of mind. | NPU 1 |
Hypertention: Because I have it and it has been in my family for several known generations despite changing dietary and lifestyle choices. / Women's Health: Because this involves so many aspects of health and well-being and because women tend not to focus on their own health as they give care to those around them. / Sexual Abuse , especially of children and youth: Because this is such a well-kept secret by so many in our community; we must find ways to assist "victims" to unload the heavy burden that may affect them in ways we can't even comprehend. | NPU 2 |
I’m a man, i live in a high crime area, and i want to learn how to eat better | NPU 6 |
I don't need more information, I need community solutions. | NPU 6 |
Thses are health issues that affect me and my family. | NPU 4 |
With the increasing population in our city it is an app it up all that more environmental pollutants will be released into the environment and it is important for me to understand how these will affect my health. Nutrition is vital to life. Violence prevention is good to know for a 20’s something woman living in an area that is in economic transition. | NPU 6 |
Mental health because I work in a stressful environment and deal with anxiety. / Heart disease because I’ve devloped an irrregualr heart beat and it’s kinda scary. / Nutrition because it’s so easy to settle for the unhealthy eating options. | NPU 6 |
Mental health because or the constant oppression. / Subtstance abuse because of our dependency. / Violence Prevention because of the gun shots. / | NPU 7 |
Needs more research | NPU 1 |
Close to family | NPU 6 |
These problems are important to me because | NPU 6 |
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