Other - What do you think should be done to Solve these Health Issues/Concerns

51 Total Responses to What do you think should be done to Solve these Health Issues/Concernst
Better food options; emphasis on prevention, information to lower stigma NPU 5
Learn more about them NPU 5
Educating clinics that are accessible. NPU 6
Sheduling more dr appt as needed. NPU 6
More educational and outreach programs! NPU 5
Conduct classes in the community, at churches, community centers at health fair in the malls, etc. NPU 6
Resources that are available!! NPU 6
More education on the natural substances that are now available to cure these illnesses. NPU 5
better education NPU 6
get more people to come out and hold events so that way people can learn about it NPU 6
I don't know. NPU 6
education and community outreach NPU 6
teach the youth
diet and exercise

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