NPU Y - What do you think should be done to Solve these Health Issues/Concerns

44 Total Responses to What do you think should be done to Solve these Health Issues/Concerns
never get any attention except prostate NPU 3
More education, employment, higher institutions of learning become more accessible to teaching community residents that are in the community how help themselves. I.e. mini grant funds to grow gardens in their own backyards or in pots and Prevention more community gardens! Communities need help and motivation to realize their own potential to make simple changes to their diet, they can live longer, less hospital reliance. NPU 3
More healthy food options in walking distance. / More activities for the children outside of the YMCA. / NPU 3
'- Have teens and young girls take home baby dolls that act like actual babies so they can gain an understanding of the responsibility that comes with being a parent. NPU 3
The community and the library needs to be more involved with setting up groups for learning opportunities NPU 3
Educate!!! NPU 3
Hold our politicians accountable. NPU 3
Zoning requiring more affordable housing, legislation imposing caps on density and on rent hikes. NPU 3
Provide care or a facility that can help then get the assistance that they desperately need. NPU 3
the city NPU 3
Natural Food and workout more. NPU 3
More classess NPU 3
Better nutrition NPU 3

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